Vous êtes un étudiant et vous voulez partir étudier à l'étranger ?

Le service des Relations Internationales du département aide les étudiants dans leurs projets de mobilité à l’étranger que ce soit au travers de stages ou d’études. Il travaille en lien avec le service des relations internationales de l’IUT qui accompagne notamment les étudiants pour les démarches administratives et pour l’obtention d’aides financières.

Nous aidons les étudiants à trouver des stages à l’étranger et leur proposons de bénéficier de programmes d’échanges avec des universités partenaires. Nous avons actuellement une dizaine d’accords ERASMUS (accords d’échange en Europe) : Madrid (2 universités au choix), Saragosse, Galway et Castlebar (Irlande), Wiesbaden (Allemagne), Cluj (Roumanie), Maribor (Slovénie), Istanbul et Izmir (Turquie). Les cursus proposés sont en anglais, en espagnol ou dans les deux langues ! En complément nous proposons aussi étudiants de bénéficier d’accords d’échange avec le Québec et le Mexique. A ces accords d’échange s’ajoutent des conventions facilitant l’admission de nos étudiants dans des programmes d’études diplômants en Ecosse, en Angleterre et en Irlande (en plus des accords ERASMUS). Les programmes d’échange s’effectuent en général après le DUT, au travers du DUETE (Diplôme universitaire d’études technologiques à l’étranger), diplôme permettant une fois obtenu de poursuivre directement en master dans de établissement réputés (dont TSM- ex IAE de Toulouse, TBS ou Kedge Business School).


Plus largement, nous avons un rôle de conseil pour que nos étudiants développent une ouverture internationale au cours de leurs années d’études (ouverture qui peut aussi se faire en-dehors de l’IUT : formations à l’étranger, années de césure…).




The Business Administration department of Toulouse Paul Sabatier Institute of Technology was founded in 1969. Its 900 students are divided into 2 sub-departments located in the same University Campus: Rangueil and Ponsan. The two sub-departments are 700 meters apart.

The department offers a two or three-year university diploma (120 or 180 ECTS).The teaching team includes researchers (Professors and Assistant professors), full time teachers and professionals (consultants, accountants, engineers...).

We welcome every year students from all around the world. If you are interested in spending a semester or a year in our department, you will find more information below.

 GEA International Relations-Exchange program for foreign students:

(GEA: French acronym for Business and Administration Management)

Who is concerned? 

Students who want to improve their French, practice and develop their knowledge in management (Bachelor level).  

Why spending a semester / a year in GEA Toulouse?


Studying in the most dynamic French city.

University city since the Medieval times, Toulouse is one the 50 best cities in the World for studies (QS ranking http://www.topuniversities.com/student-life/best-student-cities/2012/)  .The hometown of Airbus has the fastest growth among all French cities (more than one percent every year since the 1970's)  and we know why: it combines a sunny climate, convivial ambiance and highly skilled workers. In the 4th French city, you will find everything to enjoy all sides of students' life. Famous universities, libraries covering all scientific scopes,  affordable housing, a festive nightlife, a rich cultural life (art exhibitions, museums, and concerts) and many incredible places all around for small trips (several places 100 Km around Toulouse are classified by the UNESCO, including parts of Toulouse itself !).

Advantages of a small structure in a large university.

GEA is made of two very similar sub-departments (Ponsan and Rangueil). GEA is a relatively small structure (around 300 students and 40 teachers in each sub-department)  inside the largest University of Toulouse : Paul Sabatier University has around 30,000 students, 2,500 professors, lecturers, instructors and researchers. Thus, you will get advantages of a small structure where you'll never be considered as one anonymous student among so many... you will also have access to the best infrastructures: libraries (including those inside Toulouse School of Economics), language lab and a large variety of sport infrastructures scattered in the Paul Sabatier campus, one of the largest French campus (125 hectares encompassing 3 metro stations).   


Teaching in small groups with teachers from several backgrounds: experienced High-school teachers, University Researchers (including Assistant Professors and Professors), consultants, chartered accountants and company managers. You will also take advantage from innovative teaching methods (simulations, games, group projects), on line courses and mandatory internships. Courses are mainly in French but some are in English.


Advantages of a long experience in International Relations.

GEA has a Long experience in hosting foreign students: we have implemented ERASMUS agreements for 25 years Our ERASMUS agreements have been including Ireland, England, Scotland, Spain and Slovenia. Furthermore, we have developed International agreements to host students from Argentina, Canada, China, Gabon, Mexico, Morocco and Vietnam. As our students are always interested in new international opportunities, we look forward to developing new agreements.


Please contact: Mr. Ziad MALAS, coordinators for International Relations at GEA: ziad.malas@iut-tlse3.fr


Pratical information about Toulouse and the campus.